We believe that retaining and stabilizing critical workforce within Montana is vital to essential services, businesses, and the preservation of our economy.
The mission is to help communities by providing a pathway for thousands of middle-income families to attain permanent homeownership. The creation of permanent human, financial and physical infrastructure will profoundly impact Montana for generations.
The Montana Community Reinvestment Plan is a programmatic approach for State and local governments to use existing resources to tackle the workforce housing crisis.
The Effort In
Attainable housing is an emergency in Montana, impacting individuals across all spectrums. Some have been born and raised here, many are newcomers, and many are packing up to leave the state as they cannot find work at an income level that can match the escalating housing costs. Employers struggle to keep their workforce, and leaders in large and small communities see teachers, police, healthcare providers and many more critical middle-income citizens leave for more affordable places.
The Montana Attainable Housing Alliance is providing an economic stabilization and attainable workforce housing plan that will serve as the catalyst for long-term sustainable growth in Montana. The plan is a way for citizens to direct their tax dollars to go to a fund they want to support and receive tax savings in doing so. The unique leverage and investment model contained in the plan will generate 100’s of Millions of dollars for immediate deployment to Community Reinvestment Organizations throughout the State for the benefit of all Montanans.
Support for the Montana Community Reinvestment Plan
We Work Together. We Win Together.
HB 819 is the catalyst for attainable workforce housing in every community throughout Montana.