Our Mission

Creating a Better Place for Middle-Income Families to Call Home

Providing support for locally qualified households and supporting Community Reinvestment Organizations.

Opportunity in the Community

The Montana Attainable Housing Alliance has created a financial and logistic coordinating platform that will provide the needed support and capital to the Community Reinvestment Organizations throughout Montana. The coordination facilitates maximum community benefit for individuals, businesses and local governments within the regional districts.

Invest & Finance

Real Estate and Transactional Services

Operational Support

Design & Build

Management Process

Development & Communications

Helping Communities Thrive

There are many reasons why stabilizing a community through attainable workforce housing is essential to safeguarding its residents from the issues that surface with economic erosion. At the heart of it, the development of workforce housing is community building. The provision of housing, particularly housing attainable to young and middle-income families, fosters the development of solid schools, and a strong economy and ultimately ensures a healthy and sustainable community.

Preserving the State and Local Economy

The economy thrives when residents stay, relocate, or come home to Montana.

Strengthening the Community

People work near where they live: Attainable housing is essential to keeping quality labor in the community and preventing employers from relocating.

Retaining and Attracting Business and Investment

Critical to existing and new businesses is knowing reliable workforce housing exists to support its core employment needs enabling investment into participating communities.

Creating Infrastructure

Facilitating affordability for workforce housing with limitations on future home costs will preserve attainable workforces housing infrastructure in Montana for years to come.

We believe that thriving communities can change the life trajectories of our residents. And in turn, create a greater level of economic stability throughout the region.

Support for the Montana Community Reinvestment Plan

We Work Together. We Win Together.

HB 819 is the catalyst for attainable workforce housing in every community throughout Montana.

Want to Be a Supporter?